Atari Works Document | 1993-08-02 | 10KB | 33 lines
Dutch 801 Roman
Dutch 801 Roman
nAtariWorks Check Register
by Michael Hebert
August 1, 1993
Atariworks Check Register is a set of Spreadsheet and Database templates to aid in the creation and maintenance of a simple cash accounting system for home or small business use.
The Atariworks Check Register package includes this document, a spreadsheet template entitled REG_TEMP.STS and a database template entitled CHECKREG.STD. Also included in the archive is README.CHK which tells you to start AtariWorks and load
this document.
Getting Started
Move the cursor to File on the menu bar and select New. When the selector box appears click on the Spreadsheet icon followed by Open. Select REG_TEMP.STS and click on OK. The Spreadsheet will start and open the register file. Move to File on the menu bar and click on New again. This time select the Database icon and open CHECKREG.STD. Move to Window on the menu bar, click on Activate Document and select AW_CHECK.STW. You will be returned to this document. As you read further you can switch between this document, the Spreadsheet and the Database by using the Activate Document function.
Browsing the Spreadsheet
Open the spreadsheet with Activate Document. Across the top you will see column titles for DATE, CHECK NO, PAYEE, CATEGORY, CHECK, DEPOSIT, CLR, BALANCE and COMMENTS. Using the right arrow key or the right scroll arrow at the bottom of the screen bring the H column into view and select Show Formulas under Options on the menu bar. The cells in the H column will change from figures to the formula used to derive the figures. You will notice that cell H2 contains the formula =$F2. This indicates that the value in H2 is fixed and will always be the same as the value in cell F2. All the rest of the cells in the H column are relative. Values in those cells are calculated according to the formula in the cell which references previous BALANCE, current CHECK and current DEPOSIT. Click on one of the cells in the H column that shows the formula and it will appear in its full form in the edit window located under the menu bar. This simple formula repeated over and over with changes of cell reference is the heart of the spreadsheet. Select Show Values under Options to return to display of figures.
Using the Spreadsheet
Scroll back to the A Column and click on cell A2. The edit window under the menu bar will be empty reflecting the absence on data in cell A2. Type in a date in the form mm/dd/yy, press Return and the date will appear in cell A2. Click on A2 again then press the Space Bar. The cursor in the edit window will appear at the right side of the date. Backspace over the date then enter another date. This is the method you will use to edit cell contents throughout the spreadsheet. Click on A2 again then press the Delete key and the contents of cell A2 will be deleted. Press the Undo key and the contents will be restored. Select A2 again then press Control-K and the entire row will be deleted. Press the Undo key and it will be restored. The Undo key will always restore the LAST deletion. It will not restore previous deletions.
Scroll the spreadsheet to the right until the columns E through H are all visible. Click on cell F2 and change the value of this deposit. You do not need to enter the dollar sign. Press the Return key and the amounts displayed in the BALANCE column will be updated to reflect your change. Move to Options on the menu bar and select Manual Calculation. Click on cell F3 and change the amount of this deposit. Press the Return key and note that the figures in the BALANCE column
did not
change to reflect your entry. Go back to Options and select Automatic Calculation which
be your default calculation mode.
Scroll the spreadsheet to the left until the PAYEE column is on screen. Note that all text entries are in uppercase. While this is not an absolute requirement it will make using the check register data easier to use when you import it into the database. The database is case-sensitive when performing sorts and searches.
Entries in the DATE column should be in the form mm/dd/yy or m/dd/yy. CHECK NO entries will automatically have any leading zeroes deleted. Entries in the PAYEE column may contain any combination of letters, numerals or symbols as may entries in the CATEGORY column. Entries in CHECK and DEPOSIT columns must be numerical. The CLR column is used when reconciling your bank statement and indicates whether a check has cleared the bank or not. You may use an X, a * or whatever you like in the CLR column so long as it is used consistently. The COMMENTS column is for appending any comments you wish to associate with a check or deposit. Any combination of characters, numerals or symbols may be used in COMMENTS.
Setting Up Your Register
Now would be a good time to make a list of your CATEGORIES since you will need to be consistent in your use of them. Make sure to include a MISC (miscellaneous) CATEGORY for unusual items. Print this list out and keep it handy for easy reference.
As presently configured the register accomodates 100 transactions. Before you begin entering data you will need to clear the dummy entries and extend the transaction limit.
Decide on the number of transactions you want as your upper limit. Keep in mind that a higher limit will result in slower calculation updates than a lower limit. You may need to create a separate register for each quarter of the year or even each month if you do a lot of transactions.
Select cell A3, press the Delete key then select Fill Down under the Edit menu. You will be prompted to enter the last cell to fill. Enter your desired transaction limit and answer Yes in the next dialog box. Repeat this process for cells, B3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3 and J3. Click on cell A2 and enter the date of your beginning balance or opening deposit. Click on cell F2 and enter the amount of your beginning balance or opening deposit. Select Save As under the File menu and save your register under a new name. The register is now ready for use.
Copying Transactions to the Database
If CHECKREG.STD is not already loaded as an active document load it now then return to your spreadsheet. Click and drag from cell A2 to the last cell in the J column that you want exported to the database. Select Copy under the Edit menu then Activate Document under the Window menu. Select CHECKREG.STD then Paste under the Edit menu. Your data has now been imported into the database.